Anyone familiar with modern systems knows that most use hydraulic hoses to convey hydraulic fluid to or from components like actuators and valves. Manufacturers construct typical hydraulic hoses with three main layers: the protective outer layer, reinforcement layer, and inner tube. The outer layer ensures the item is safe enough to transport fluids without bursting and causing immeasurable damage. On the other hand, the reinforcement layer bolsters the pipes' core strength, and the inner tube allows fluids to pass through the hose. If your machines or operations demand hydraulic hoses, use the tips outlined below to ensure you pick suitable components:

1.       Size

A hydraulic hose can only serve you faithfully if its size matches application requirements. One aspect determining whether a specific tube will fit and perform optimally is inner diameter (ID). ID refers to the span of the hollow space in a hydraulic hose. Choosing an item with the correct inner diameter is vital because undersized ID facilitates extensive pressure drops, leaking problems, and overall damage. On the other hand, using a hose with an oversized inner diameter is inadvisable because it leads to sluggish performance. Besides ID, you should also pay attention to the outer diameter (OD) as you shop for a quality hydraulic hose. The OD specifies the size of the hose's entire outer span, including the cover, reinforcement, and tube. A hydraulic tube's outer diameter determines its ability to accommodate appropriate fitting and attach well to hydraulic components.

2.       Type

Hydraulic hoses are available in their varieties. The most common products include reinforced hoses and coiled hydraulic hoses. Manufacturers often wrap or braid synthetic fibers, textile, or steel wires around rubber hydraulic hoses. The additional layer acts as reinforcement and makes products suitable for industries with demanding and high-pressure applications. Simply put, a hydraulic hose's reinforcement layer determines its working pressure. It also influences the object's flexibility. A flexible hose is essential in scenarios where they have to bend around corners or travel through tight spaces. That being said, experts coil some of their products to optimize elasticity and flexibility. These products are known as coiled hydraulic hoses. Many technicians pick these components over the rest because they are easy to store and stretch over long distances.

Get Custom Hydraulic Hoses

Hydraulic systems need suitable hoses to perform outstandingly. You should ensure you have and use the right components. Although many standard items are available in the market, you may not find the perfect product for your industry. But don't fret. Some manufacturers fabricate custom hydraulic hoses that are guaranteed to fit predetermined applications and ensure that assemblies have no prevalent hose-related issues. These custom-made hoses are reliable, making the workplace safe for employees and sensitive equipment.  

Contact a company like Parts Inc. for more information about hydraulic hoses. 
