Scent is a big part of making a good first impression. While modern vehicles don't have the same new car smell as the vinyl-lined rides of yesteryear, dealers should always make sure their demo cars smell fresh and inviting. This guide will cover four types of odor eliminators for car dealers.

1. Chemical Aerosols

Chemical aerosols are the most popular format for odor eliminators used in the home, and there are many excellent aerosol products for vehicles as well. Aerosol odor eliminators are not to be confused with air fresheners, which simply use strong fragrances to mask odors.

The active ingredient in most aerosol odor eliminators is cyclodextrin. The water in the aerosol partially dissolves odor-causing contaminants in the air, and then cyclodextrin molecules bind to these particles to neutralize them. Alternatively, some aerosols use organic acids to completely break down airborne contaminants.

Chemical aerosols are a popular choice for vehicles because they cover the entire interior evenly and often have fragrances that are pleasant, but not overbearing. However, be sure to wipe up any water spots from the aerosol before you demo the vehicle.

2. Odor-Absorbing Gel

Gel-based odor eliminators are available in small cups that you place in a cupholder or other stable spot in a vehicle. The gel contained in these products is porous and sticky, allowing it to trap a large volume of particulates from the air around it. They are also scented to help mask odors.

Gel odor eliminators provide a great long-term solution for keeping a vehicle smelling fresh, but they are slower than other types of odor eliminators. These products may also dry out quickly in hot and dry environments. Remember to check gel odor eliminators every month or two and replace them when necessary.

3. Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is charcoal that has been processed so that it is more porous and has a much greater surface area than standard charcoal. In fact, a single gram of activated charcoal has a surface area of approximately 950 to 2,000 square meters! Bamboo charcoal is one of the most common varieties of activated charcoal used in car odor eliminators.

Activated charcoal often comes in a mesh pouch that you simply place anywhere in the vehicle. In other cases, the charcoal may be arranged in thin sheets to create filters that purify the air. 

Many odor-causing molecules are chemically reactive with carbon and will react and fuse with activated charcoal as air passes through its pores. Like any other odor eliminator, there is a limit to how many particles activated charcoal can absorb. Fortunately, activated charcoal is long-lasting, and you will likely only need to replace this odor eliminator after several months.

4. Ionizers

Ionizers are an advanced type of odor eliminator. They use electrical charges to remove odors from the air. Most ionizers contain two rods that charge particulate impurities in the air that passes between them. Static forces cause these particles to clump together until they are heavy enough to fall out of the air.

Ionizers have a secondary odor-reducing effect as well. Harmless amounts of ozone gas are produced when ionizers charge particles in the air. Ozone is highly reactive with other gases, so it will neutralize gaseous contaminants in the air that are not affected by the ionization process.

Odor eliminators are just one more example of a subtle change that greatly improves the experience of a test drive. If you have been looking for a way to add an extra touch to your demo vehicles, consider investing in odor eliminators. Your next customer may only know their dream car when they smell it!

Contact a company like NuVinAir to learn more.
